Our Vision

The basic aim of this trust is to revive the mission of Hazrat Baba Fareed - Ud - Masood Ganj-e- Shakar (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ) by providing the education and health facilities to the common p



To establish "Baba Fareed International Islamic University" at Pakpattan Sharif



To establish Ganj Shakar Hospital for basic health facilities to the poor and needy people of remote area of Pakpattan


Research Centre

To revive the Mission of Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ) of preaching Islam and serving human


About us

In The Name Of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful

Dewan Azmat Said Muhammad Chishti (Chairman Trust) and Pir Altaf Hussain Chishti (General Secretary Trust) laid the foundation of “Baba Fareed Ganj Shakr Educational and Welfare Trust” in order to pay the tribute to the great Sufi saint Hazrat Baba Fareed Masood Ganj Shakar and his real teachings so that the trust could help deprived and less privileged people. The real purpose and philosophy of the trust is to inculcate sympathy and empathy among masses, to create an awareness of love and brotherhood among each other, to combine new and old system of training and teaching in an enormous way, and practically bringing together all the community in this mission, so that a real Islamic Culture can be developed. Moreover, such programs should be initiated to play a vital role for the general welfare of the human beings.fe of the Muslims.

Education, Health and Welfare

Roadmap/Objectives of the Trust

  • Spreading purposeful, standardized, affordable and low cost education
  • Providing scholarships for poor and needy students
  • Provision of up-to-date and free medical facilities for the needy and deprived people by Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar Trust Hospital
  • To establish the projects for the welfare and rights of women
  • To establish the projects for the welfare, upbringing and rights of children
  • Providing learning and training for orphans and unprivileged children so that they can become valuable members of the community
  • Providing help to the people who are facing natural disasters and calamities
  • To provide the clean water for drinking in under-privileged areas
  • To provide the clean water for drinking in under-privileged areas
  • To facilitate financially to the needy and poor people with the grace of Baba Fareed Fund
  • To establish the Dowry Fund for poor girls

Our Vision

The basic aim of this trust is to revive the mission of Hazrat Baba Fareed - Ud - Masood Ganj-e- Shakar (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ) by providing the education and health facilities to the common people


To establish "Baba Fareed International Islamic University" at Pakpattan Sharif for imparting Islam

Research Center

To revive the Mission of Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar (رحمۃ اللہ علیہ) of preaching Islam and serving human.

Health and Welfare

To establish Ganj Shakar Hospital for basic health facilities to the poor and needy people of remote area of Pakpattan

meet Our Trustees

Baba Fareed Ganjshakar Educational & Welfare Trust Team Members

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